Specializing in Postcards & Marketing ─ Automotive Industry

Automotive Repair Postcard Marketing

We Specialize in Automotive Repair Postcard Marketing!

DIRECT MAIL POSTCARDS WORK! Especially for finding the specific car makes you want to work on!

  • Targeted – With VIN Verified Mailing Lists it allows you to isolate the exact make/model/years you want to work on. You can pinpoint prospects by area and/or demographics (age, income, family size, etc) or mail keep in touch with customers. We highly recommend targeting higher income individuals to avoid the coupon chasing prospects.
  • Trackable – Direct mail postcards are easily measurable. We provide easy to read mailing schedule for the entire campaign. You will know exactly how many cards were mailed and can track how many new prospects each campaign brings in.
  • Fast Paced – From the time you give the final approval of the artwork the postcards will start to arrive in mailboxes in 2.5 - 3 weeks.
  • Affordable – Direct Mail postcards are the most effective way to reach the exact make/models you want to work on…and just so happens to be one of the cheapest forms of marketing.

Direct Mail Postcards has been shown to create lasting mental impressions, increasing brand recall, awareness and it builds more authentic relationships with customers. With some of the best response rates across all marketing methods, postcard marketing offers huge potential for business growth that’s just waiting for you.

Below are a few Samples of our Designs that have been proved to bring in the perfect prospects you’re looking for!